- Battleheart legacy haste ring two for free#
- Battleheart legacy haste ring two upgrade#
- Battleheart legacy haste ring two series#

Also, with essentially the same skillpoints allocation, you can unlock a lot of things from the Rogue and Ranger classes, opening up for things such as the Rogue's Twist the Blade (p) or Coup de Grace (p) - well partnered with things such as the Monk's Concussion (p) for the earlier game - and then the almost necessary Ranger's Mortal Wounds (p) Unfortunately, a lot of the Ninja skills are unusable as a pugilist, but Impending Doom (p) is very nice to have, and Smoke Bomb really pulls the build together.
Battleheart legacy haste ring two for free#
Punishment (p) and Flame Weapon give 20% bonus CRIT for free with fists, while Mana Strike gives AoE, like 1000 Palms but the problem with it is that it deals 7x damage divided by everyone in front of you, while Flame Strike deals a flat amount of damage to everyone around you, which is why it pairs so incredibly nicely with Aura of Light, which gives 25% lifesteal, so even if you find yourself in a 1v1 with a Green Ogre after wave 30 in the Arena, it's certainly far from the end of the world, when you only have a gross DODGE of like 10%, plus with all the brown goblins spawned you'll be dishing out gross damage and healing a degenerate amount while also taking minimal damage too The Monk, I feel, offers a lot more with the passives than the actives, with Thundering Blows (p), Evasion (p) and Counterstrike (p) - as I have tested this build out by changing to using a Colossal Weapon and swapping out the 3 actives and it definitely is still strong With skills such as 1000 Palms and Wind Walk for some nice AoE plus single-target flex, and then Karma Kick for a little mobility. The Monk has some really solid AoE and good DEX devotion for a dodge build while still grabbing a good few points in SKL for some nice CRIT to help spec into the Barbarian and Ninja. I think you will make it excellent!!! Just please add something soon because the App Store games are feeling dry and this game is the only thing that’s keeping me going right now.I've come back to the game after many years, and honestly I've been really jamming with Monk/ Ninja/ Barbarian with Flame Weapon x Mana Strike from Battlemage and Aura of Light x Punishment (p) from Paladin - which I've been using from level 8 and am still using now, at level 37. I know you guys have never done this before but why not try it out. Something that will make the game stand out more to customers like a character who obviously isn’t your regular playable human character. It could be a werewolf which would be new and cool. I am begging that you add another dark themed character. UPDATE: I am just going to take a guess since it has been a while, the devs are working on another class for this game. I will probably be binging on this game for the next couple years. I do hope to see a few more characters in the future like a long distance Ranger or an evil Shaman healer or even introduce a new class that is like straight up tank/brute.
Battleheart legacy haste ring two upgrade#
The gameplay is phenomenal and the outstanding upgrade system truly brings this game to light. The art style for this game is way beyond the previous game’s art style knocking it out of the park. I easily put 14 hours into my first playthrough and there is definitely room for replayability. The first playthrough felt great though and I will likely make another playthrough with different characters at some point. Buying some of the upgrades requires you to run missions over and over again, and quickly lead to me turning down the difficulty at end game to clear encounters faster. I think the linear nature of the first game lead to more tuned encounters instead of picking encounters based on rewards. The diversity of characters and how you can build and upgrade each one is great, but I was a little disappointed at the relatively low level cap and grindy nature of this game. Of course everyone will compare it to the first game and so I must as well. I played a ton of the first Battleheart back in the day and immediately bought the sequel when it came out. This game plays like a dream, and sets the bar for how I expect mobile games to handle.
Battleheart legacy haste ring two series#
Many games try to work around mobile controls instead of embracing them, and the Battleheart series is a great example of the latter. Mika mobile consistently puts out spectacular mobile titles.